Thursday, December 4, 2008

In-Class Brainstorming: Everyday Heroes

What separates an everyday hero? 

In class, we attempt to wade through the multiplicity of definitions.  Suggested:
  • no alter-ego
  • characterized by struggle
  • start in poverty
Has anyone ever saved anybody's life? 

Couple examples:
  • pulled friend out of traffic, saved from reckless oncoming car
  • saved young boy from sliding down pyramids
  • interfered in domestic violence
  • removed drunk girl from clutches of bad people, put her in cab
Kathleen's story:
  • jumped in moving Volvo, applied brakes to stop it sliding downhill
Objections are raised, what about a quieter definition of everyday hero: teachers who change their students' lives, etc.  We discuss the meaning of "everyday hero" with "accidental hero".

Accidental Hero
  • element of chance
  • lack of preparation
  • lack of reward? (common theme in all heroism, rewards may be offered and may be accepted, but aren't the point of the act).
Kitty Genovese story brought up - why didn't a hero step forward to stop her murder?
Groupthink and sheep - does heroism require acting before thinking?  We also discussed Rosa Parks, who was the one person in the crowd not willing to go along.  Where was Kitty's Rosa Parks?

Talked a lot about Wesley Autry.

Laundry as Destiny:
Vince Carter as superhero?  Shot of him in Olympics looking an awful lot like Spider-Man....

How about the man who organized MLK's civil rights on Washington?  You never hear his name (and, in fact, I've already forgotten it and it was just mentioned thirty seconds ago in class).

What about the Guardian Angels?  At what point does a power trip become the "reward" that a hero is supposed to eschew?

And what do you do with someone who doesn't want to be saved?  The beginning of The Incredibles was mentioned by Kathleen - the guy who wants to kill himself, doesn't want to be saved, and sues the hero who saves his life.

Real life plays against archetypes.  There's no template for dealing with the gray areas that life presents.  Brightly-costumed archetypes slugging it out in a mountaintop retreat or hovering over the city is one thing, but life rarely presents in black and white.  Human life operates almost exclusively in the grays.

Sometimes standing up to authority is an act of heroism:

This was a watershed moment in media - comedy becomes the new political voice.  A third opinion is added, breaking the artificial duopoly of opinion.   No longer the same network views, but Stewart is the coming of the Internet, the New Media, the moderates and the hard-to-contains.

"If you're going to tell the truth, you'd better make people laugh.  Or they'll kill you."  They thought he was going to be a goofball - they needed him to be a goofball - but he spoke instead the truth.  

Words from the jester.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

In-Class Writing Exercise, 11/20, part 2

Re: flying as the primal super-hero power:

The television series Heroes opens with a character dreaming of leaving his (forgive me) pedestrian world behind and being a person with great power, and what's the power he dreams of?


Who can't see themselves in that?

This is why Heroes sucks - it started out so well, tapping this universal vein.  And now it keeps tromping over the same ground again and again.  Except for anything approaching a sense of wonder or magic.

Response to in-Class Proposal, continued

Piercings and Tattoos - Nicole
  • religious piercings
  • "supposed to make your life better"?  Sounds like the piercings in our culture.
  • I'm really interested in the culture clash between the Japanese, who had a long history of tattooing, and the Chinese, who did not.  How was this expressed?  Fought?  Resolved (or not)?
  • Romans?  Really?  Cool.  I didn't know that.
  • Your proposal is a great idea - don't know if practicioners are really aware of the history behind it.  My suspicion is that tattooers do, if only because of the Japanese influence on so many artists (and, just while we're at it, is there a sort of reverse-Engrish going on there with all these white kids wearing katakana that they hope means what they think it means).  Piercers?  I don't really know.  Again, I'd suspect that they don't.
  • For my own part, I knew a fair amount about the history of tattoo art (especially Japanese and Maori) before I got my first tattoos, although I wasn't terribly interested in them and none of my three tattoos come from those cultures.  I didn't know a thing about the history of piercings before I got my eyebrow done.

In-Class Writing Exercise, 11/20

"Teenagerdom was a secret identity in the first place"
- From Fortress of Solitude by Jonathan Lethem.

There's something primal and true about this statement, which speaks to why the genre is so appealing to teens. 

We pull our hats down and collars up against the cold wind of the presence of our peers, and know that deep inside us, somewhere, is a being of great power and authority.  We have the glasses and the weak knees and the weaker chins and the bad teeth and the worse skin, but deep inside us, if we can just pull open our shirts and let it out, is a spit-curled demigod who can lift an oceanliner and always has a quip at the ready.

It's why, to bring this back to my midterm paper, kid sidekicks flat-out suck.  What teenager's fantasy of power involves being fourteen years old?  Nobody wants to be Robin - everybody wants to be Batman.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

In-Class Writing Exercise, 11/13

Responding to this quote from Joss Whedon, which Kathleen put on the board:

"I created Buffy to be an icon, to be an emotional experience, to be loved in a way that other shows can't be loved.  Because it's about adolescence, which is the most important thing people go through in their development, becoming an adult.  And it mythologizes it in such a romantic way - it basically says "Everybody who made it through adolescence is a hero."

I dunno.  Maybe it's my lack of real Buffy knowledge, but I just don't see it - there seems to be a little of this, Buffy's journey through this stranger-than-fiction-fictionalized town in which everyone is vaguely-but-not-really aware of the sinister underbelly, her trip through high school.

But Buffy's quest doesn't seem as universal as all that - she's the Slayer, she's a singular figure for this moment in history.  The universality of Whedon's quote doesn't seem pressing.

As for the nature of what he's saying, without applying it to Buffy, I think it's fascinating.  Vampires have traditionally been seen as sexual creatures, the conversion to vampirism as metaphor for losing virginity.  And then, of course, there's the blood and all.  

Powered characters themselves as a metaphor for adolescence goes way back - the X-Men were built on it, after all.  Mutations manifest at puberty and the characters go from little kids to teenage superheroes.  Heroes has a similar moment when powers erupt on to the scene, in a moment of stress or excitement or other adrenaline.  But Heroes sucks, so maybe that's not the best example.

Final thought - I think I need to watch more Buffy.

That New York Times parody newspaper

has a website.

When I first heard about it, the site was down.  I presumed heavy Times legal action, but for whatever reason it's back.

More on the paper here.

Monday, November 10, 2008

FInal Project - the Good Knight

I discussed my final project with Kathleen, and decided that I could probably stretch my midterm paper out to final paper-length in my sleep, so I thought I'd go in a completely different way.

So I'm creating a pitch for a new comic book hero, a sidekick all grown up into adult hero.

My hero grew up as as The Pageboy, sidekick to a hero named The Good Knight, prowling the dark alleyways of a Midwestern industrial city.  The kicker is that she's a she - Janet Fleischer by day - violating the general rule that the hero and sidekick game is exclusively for boys.  The further kicker is that, as the Pageboy, she crossed-dressed.  Either because her hero mentor thought it would protect her identity or ironically (in light of Wertham's views on Batman and Robin), because an adult male palling around with a young girl would be somehow unseemly.

Now her mentor is gone, and she's taking over the role.  But on her own terms (forgive me, Michael Dorsey), and as a woman.

So we have an Olde Englande themed hero, knight on horseback/motorcycle kind of thing.  But what really interests me is her conflict at heading back into the world.  Michael Corleone finally taking over the family business.

How does the public react to this new hero?  Does she out herself as the Pageboy or present as a brand new, unrelated adventurer?

How does the super-hero community react?  Did any of them know she was who she was?  The heros, the sidekicks?  Any sense of betrayal from them when they learn?

Is she ever tempted to "kill off" The Good Knight II, maybe return as a male Good Knight III?  A new incarnation, in the role she's more comfortable playing?

Short - I don't know.  But those are the questions I'm asking as I work on it.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Hero pictures

Just some found images about heroes.  This is in my neighborhood, from a company more known for its politically-themed ads:

And a close-up:

The next one is a photo of the statue outside the Brooklyn Cyclones' ballpark in Coney Island.  It depicts a moment between Jackie Robinson and Pee Wee Reese.  Pee Wee was the team captain and son of the South.  Jackie was the first black player in the majors, who suffered incredibly racist taunts from fans wherever he went.

The statue commemorates a moment both public and private.  The story goes that in Cincinnati, the northernmost Southern city, Jackie was standing on the field enduring the invective of the crowd with his customary quiet grace.  Pee Wee stood next to his teammate and put his arm on Jackie's shoulder in a show of support.  The crowd quieted in shame.  If Pee Wee of all people can accept him, how can the crowd him?

The specific moment may well be apocryphal, but the legacy of these two men is not.   Shortly after the Brooklyn ballpark was announced, so was this statue.  There's something about the statue that I really like.  The temptation of baseball monuments is to capture the subject in action (hitting a home run, throwing a pitch), or in a moment of triumph.  This is more of the latter, but a wholly different kind of triumph.  

Then there are these two, the sort of politicians as super-heroes:

And finally, this t-shirt is by fan favorite Alex Ross.  No pressure or anything, Mr. President-elect:

But come on.  Why couldn't Ross use the proper O?

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Mid-term paper

For anyone who's interested.  I'm not including the footnote citations, since those disappeared when I copied over the text.

I'll also add at a later date some of the graphics from my PowerPoint presentation.

Kickin’ It

The Lore (and Lure) of the Sidekick

“(T)he hero journeys through a world of strangely intimate forces… some of which give him magical aid (helpers).”

- Joseph Campbell, 
The Hero With a Thousand Faces

Sidekicks are an essential element of superhero comic books, stretching back almost as far as the superhero itself. The comic book as a medium, originating with the introduction of Superman in Action Comics #1 (June 1938 ), and formalizing with the first appearance of Batman in Detective Comics #27 (May 1939), was only months old before writers started working on young companions for their adult heroes.

The first superhero sidekick, Robin the Boy Wonder, was introduced as sidekick to the previously dark and gritty Batman in Detective Comics #48 (April 1940). Bob Kane and Bill Finger, the strip’s creators, intended Robin to be a point of identification for younger readers and “a character who would tone down the violence”.

The sidekick has its antecedents in literature, dating at least as far back as 1602 in the form of Don Quixote’s companion Sancho Panza, although with one significant difference. Rather than serve as a compliment to the hero’s personality, or compensation for his weakness, the superhero sidekick was by and large a youthful echo of the main hero. Sancho Panza might have been the down-to-Earth observer of Quixote’s whimsy, and Doctor Watson’s stodgy, traditional ways provided the perfect foil for Sherlock Holmes’ brilliance, but Robin was Batman minus twenty years and with bare legs. Like Batman, Dick Grayson is an expert acrobat and brilliant mind. Like Batman, his parents were murdered by a criminal before his very eyes. Unlike Batman, however, Robin was orphaned in the presence of Batman (in his daytime guise of millionaire playboy Bruce Wayne), who took the boy under his leathery wing and into a life of vengeance.

Robin was an immediate success, and soon other pint-sized adventurers followed. During the Golden Age of Comics (approximately from the introduction of Superman through the end of World War II), it became de rigueur for a hero to enter the fray followed closely by a pint-sized version of himself. The aptly-named Human Torch was joined by Toro, a young boy given the Torch’s power of flame by a blood transfusion, the Sandman found himself adopting an orphan he called Sandy the Golden Boy. Some heroes were introduced with their sidekicks already present: Green Arrow sprang into action in his first appearance (More Fun Comics, November 1941) already having made a young orphan nicknamed “Speedy” his ward (like Bruce and Dick, the relationship was never so formalized as adoption); and Bucky was part of the Captain America mythos from their introduction in Timely Comics’ Captain America Comics #1 (March 1941). Chance (or maybe fate) played a large part in the relationship between the sidekicks and their mentors: James Buchanan “Bucky” barnes, Army brat and camp mascot, just happens to walk into the tent in which Private Steve Rogers is changing into his red, white and blue Captain America uniform.

It is important to note the relationship between hero and sidekick, both of which were almost exclusively male. With the notable exception of Captain America and Bucky, who were more like brothers, it is almost invariably that of father and son. Although, as noted above, the heroes rarely adopted the boys legally, though they served that function in the life of their young charges. Orphaned almost to a one, the boys looked up to their heroes, observing them with the amazement felt by the legions of readers who consumed their adventures.

Various forces conspired to drive the superhero comic into dormancy after World War Two, with Robin being the only sidekick character remaining in continuous publication (only fellow DC Comics stablemates Wonder Woman and Superman joined Batman and Robin in print during this period). A crusader and psychiatrist named Frederic Wertham mounted a one-man crusade against comic books in general and the superhero in particular, culminating in the publication of his book Seduction of the Innocent and well-publicized testimony before Congress on what he saw as the destructive nature of the medium on the moral fabric of America’s youth. One of Wertham’s targets was the relationship between Bruce Wayne and young Dick Grayson, which he called “a wish dream of two homosexuals living together.” “Only someone ignorant of the fundamentals of psychiatry and psychopathology of sex can fail to realize the subtle atmosphere of homoeroticism which pervades the adventures,” Wertham wrote. “The Batman type of story may stimulate children to homosexual fantasies.”

The safest course for comic companies in this period must have seemed to make the sidekicks related to their heroes, to remove any implication of cape-and-cowl hanky-panky. As far back as November of 1938, Superman’s creators pitched to DC the idea of a series starring Superman as a boy, which they called (naturally enough) “Superboy.” Although DC passed on their series at the time, by 1941 they were sufficiently interested in the idea to revive it in 1941. Superboy burst on to the scene, and Superman became, essentially, his own sidekick.

Not wanting to be left out, the creators of Wonder Woman introduced a teenage version of Princess Diana in Wonder Woman #105 (April, 1959). This flashback story told an adventure of Wonder Woman’s teenage years, following the Superboy “previously untold stories” format. Wonder Girl, as she was then known, was successful enough to justify an even younger version of Wonder Woman. Wonder Tot(!), which might have been entitled “the Adventures of Wonder Woman When She Was In Diapers”, made her first appearance in Wonder Woman #113 (April 1960). Through the Amazonian magic of her mother Queen Hippolyta, the three versions of Princess Diana were able to team up on several occasions, leading future writers to believe that they were separate characters.

Then there was the familial connection. Supergirl, introduced in 1958, was Superman’s younger cousin from Krypton, placed into a rocket ship by her father to escape the destruction of planet Krypton, as young Kal-El was by his father. The relationship between the characters might have varied from the classic paradigm, with the two actually related by birth, but the narrative was much the same as the classic sidekicks of old.

Then again, appearances could be kept up by introducing animal versions of the main hero. Superman was joined in his adventures by Krypto the Super-Dog (1955), Beppo the Super-Monkey (1959) and Streaky the Super-Cat (1960), all of whom had been launched to Earth by Krypton’s very ambitious space program. Comet the Super-Horse (1962) was an anomaly. No mere survivor of the doomed planet Krypton he: he was a man trapped in the body of a horse by the goddess Circe. Still, he fit in well with the other red-caped animals.

Superhero comics were down during this period, but not out, and would return to the public consciousness in the mid- to late-1950s. Timely Comics was reborn as Marvel Comics in 1961, and under the guidance of writer Stan Lee (who had been a contributor to Captain America Comics in the 1940s) went about building a whole new group of superheroes. Notably, one convention of the genre ignored by Lee was the sidekick. The new adult heroes – Iron Man, Thor, the Silver Surfer – hung around with other adult heroes in groups like The Fantastic Four and the Avengers. The only youthful characters in the group adopted distinctly grown-up identities when they put on their costumes, from the geeky and awkward high school student from Queens named Peter Parker, who called himself “Spider-Man” to the Westchester prep school students who fought under the name “The X-Men.” This was not an accident but a deliberate choice on Lee’s part: looking back a decade later, he would write “One of my many pet peeves has always been the young teenage sidekick of the average superhero.” When Lee took the opportunity to revive one of the company’s characters from the Golden Age, he brought back Captain America as a solo act, retroactively writing off Bucky as a casualty of the war. Lee did not say whether or not he considered Wertham’s crusade less than a decade prior in his decision.

DC Comics, on the other hand, found kid sidekicks to be an essential part of their formula for success. DC had begun reviving its Golden Age titles with modern re-creations of its classic characters. Chief among them was the Flash, who gained a sidekick named Kid Flash in his fourth year of publication. In his day job as mild-mannered (and perpetually late) police scientist Barry Allen, he was struck by lightning in his lab and doused with a random combination of chemicals from a conveniently-located storage rack, giving him the power of super-speed. The same chance that led Batman to witness Robins’ parent’s murder was surely present in the DC Universe of the 1960s, as Barry Allen found himself on “Take Your Girlfriend’s Nephew To Work Day” with young Wally West when lightning struck again in the exact same place, dousing the youngster with the same chemical bath and endowing him with the same powers. West, taking the nom du cape “Kid Flash”, even started out in a uniform identical to his mentor before establishing his own identity with a custom design.

Other re-inventions of classic characters were to follow at DC, and new sidekicks were brought onto the four-color pages. Aquaman’s ward was known as Aqualad (and Aqualad’s girlfriend was called Aquagirl). Speedy made his return to comics with Green Arrow. Wonder Girl, as noted above, was written into existence as a separate character in her own right. The Superman Family and Legion of Super-Pets was alive and kicking. This pattern was to continue well into the 1960s, when a writer named Denny O’Neil was to take one of the sidekicks in a whole new direction.

Green Arrow, super-archer and mentor to Speedy, had been suffering from a lack of focus. He had been a poor man’s Batman, substituting a Robin Hood motif for Bruce’s winged mammal theme. Bruce Wayne was a bored multi-millionaire playboy with a young ward and colorful nocturnal habits, and so was Green Arrow in his secret identity of industrialist Oliver Queen. If Batman had a Batcave, Batplane and Batmobile, Green Arrow had his Arrowplane, Arrowcar and even his own Arrow-Cave. O’Neil sought to shake up the character , so in Justice League of America #79 (November 1969) he had Ollie lose his fortune, grow a goatee and re-cast himself as the champion of the underdog, radically leftist in his politics, railing at the fat cats (such as he used to be) while fighting not common crooks but slum lords taking advantage of their poor tenants. He teamed up with straight-laced space-cop Green Lantern for a pickup truck ride across America, in search of hope in turbulent times. This search for self was to have great implications for Green Arrow’s sidekick. Roy Harper, as Speedy was known, found himself mixed up in the drug culture which seemed rampant in the late-60s society, and in Green Lantern #85 (August-September 1971) spoke to Ollie about his terrible secret. Roy speaking hypothetically about the problems a young person might face, blamed his problem in no small part on Ollie himself,:

“Say a young cat has someone he respects – looks up to… an older man! And say the older man LEAVES… chases around the country… gets involved with others and IGNORES his young friend! Then… the guy might need a SUBSTITUTE for FRIENDSHIP –

He might seek it in – JUNK!”

Ollie, apparently oblivious to the transparent plot summary of the last several issues, ignores Roy’s cry for help with a very sensitive “drug users are weak” speech, before discovering the shocking truth that Speedy was actually talking about himself. “My Ward,” Ollie cried out from the cover, “is a JUNKIE”!). Never before had the sidekick’s plight been so tragically rendered, and this was a sign of changing attitudes within comics to sidekicks, and of comics to the world outside.  

In recent years, Roy has taken on a role very similar to his mentor, calling himself “Red Arrow” and dressing in a replica of Ollie’s emerald costume reproduced in shades of red. Coming into his own, he has joined his father’s old group, the Justice League of America (Justice League of America #1, October 2006) and is now mentor himself to a young girl who has adopted the Speedy identity.

Kid Flash was also to grow up and become an adult character with adult concerns. When the Flash was killed in the company crossover Crisis on Infinite Earths #8 (November 1985), Wally West became the first kid sidekick to literally grow into the role, reacting to Barry’s death with the stoicism of a young man who just lost his father and finds himself wearing adult shoes for the first time. Holding the costume of his fallen father-figure, Wally exclaimed to Jay Garrick, the Golden Age Flash (himself rescued from publication oblivion several years earlier):

“Barry died saving us. I want the Flash – HIS Flash – to be remembered.

I began my super-speed career wearing his costume. I only CHNAGED it to establish my OWN identity. I don’t need that anymore.

Jay, I am no longer Kid Flash.


Wally would grow into the role of his mentor, if somewhat uneasily at first, coming to terms with the power he inherited, and continues as the Flash to this day.

Wally, like Roy before him, is a representative of the evolution of comics from the throwaway pastime of children into a fully-fledged mature artistic medium. The little boys who spent their youth fighting crime in short pants and domino masks have grown up to become the men who star in their own four-color adventures. They have become their own heroes.

Monday, October 27, 2008

first Wonder Woman costume designs

I thought since so many people's projects touched on Wonder Woman, I'd toss these out.  They're H. G. Peter's first designs for WW, with his notes and those of William Moulton Marston.

The original went up for auction a few years back.  Don't remember what it fetched, but I thought to save these images, that they might eventually prove useful.  Maybe now's the time.

I love the bit about her stenographer's shoes.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Response to In-Class Proposals, Week Two

Again, I'm terrible about names.  Apologies, all.

The Three Eras of the Flash
  • Mercury imagery
  • JSA - a group of comic characters who know that they're cartoon characters.  You have to resign your post and become an honorary member when you get your own comic book?  What a mindfuck.
  • Jay/Barry/Wally - there's something about the generational aspect of these characters that I've always loved.
  • The death of Barry Allen - what did that mean for the character?  For the Silver Age?
  • Wally takes over - this is part of the generational thing.
  • What about Wally's intermittent problems with his powers?  Freudian issues about replacing his father?
  • And what about his father?  Wally was one of the only sidekicks who actually had a family, and the hero wasn't part of it.  Wally had a mother and a father who were unaware of his extracurricular activities.
Maya - Sailor Moon
  • Blunders
  • Supernatural Aid - cat
  • Supernatural Aid - Tuxedo Mask
  • The Belly of the Whale
  • Sailor Moon's really hitting all the high points.
  • What's with the Sailor motif?  Does it have any specific meaning?
  • Wait - Sailor Mars?  There are more Sailors?
  • I never knew what Sailor Moon was, though I had seen the imagery around.   I'm afraid that I'm more confused than ever, although it seems as though you've really tied the series in to the monomyth.
  • The superheroes are attractive to humans because humans can have characteristics they can never have.
  • "So whaddya say - do you want to give up this life of evil?"  Brilliant.
Theresa - create your own line of superheroes/fashion line
  • Luxtro - half human/half robot  
  • Skeleton with armor plating - pretty interesting.  Not sure about the green and purple shoes from a design perspective, if that's the only color in her costume.
  • Annexo - medusa character, hair of spines.  Wow.  That's a great design.  The spinal column hairdo is extremely creepy.
  • Mediator as villain?  Interesting.  She has the most compelling story so far.  Don't think the ribs work as well as the spines, but the theme is working.
Chevek- Hellboy
  • Hellboy is a faux-mythological demon, son of a minor demon and dead human witch who gives birth to him in Hell.
  • Actual name means "the great beast" or "the destroyer"
  • brought to the world by Rasputin
  • Stone hand - what's the symbolism?
  • Rasputin AND Nazis?  Very cool - nothin' like collecting all the world's evil in one place.
  • Edison v. Tesla - how they presented to the world is as important as what they created.
Jared - 
  • The Game (?)
  • Watch video - this is some pretty fucked-up stuff.  Fight Club for picking up girls in bars? 
  • Where's the connection to Campbell?  I'm not really seeing it.
  • Kathleen asks if this is some sort of manual for becoming your own hero - could be, but I'm still not seeing it.
Captain America Performance Poems
  • Outstanding.  I'd love to see where you're going with this.
  • Nightcrawler is a good choice.
  • Ghost Rider could be very interesting, as well.  Might be too much crossover with Nightcrawler, I'd consider looking for another archetype.
  • The Joker?  Watch out for that one - there's a whole lotta cheap and easy in that one.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Response to In-Class Proposals

I'm sorry in advance for those who presented - I was terrible about capturing names.

Connor - Anti-heroes
  • Deadwood, showed opening scene of series
  • Seth Bullock as anti-hero, lawman with interesting application of justice
  • Sets stage - the Western is a great genre to explore in this context, with its deep sense of its own mythology. 
Tom - Revolution
  • Fuck.  I am such a lightweight.
  • Love using quotes other than just Campbell, broadening source material.
  • Fascinating subject - the personal story is always the most compelling.
  • What did you think of Campbell at the time?  Did you recognize any of your own struggles as being part of this tapestry, or is it only upon reflection (life lived backwards)?
Marvel Heroes 9/11 project
  • Interesting.  I'm wondering if there's a qualitative difference between the reponses of DC's characters (who exist in fully fictionalized versions of NYC) and Marvel's characters (which is set in a sometimes-more, sometimes-less version of the real city). 
  • also, maybe include comix? "In the Shadow of No Towers?"
Little Mermaid
  • interesting - I like the idea of looking at censorship adapting the story for different times.
  • how the hell did this ever become a children's story?
  • Doesn't surprise me that the Disney Co. bastardized the story - wonder if there is any material available that pulls back the curtain, what they kept and what they threw out.
  • How about the Disney sequel?
Tiffany-Liana - The Evolution of Women in Comics
  • I love the subject.  There's a lot here.
  • I hope you're going to explore the creation of Wonder Woman, with Marston's triumverate marriage.  Whatever you may think of his lifestyle, you can't deny that he impulse was noble - girls need heroes, too.
  • This was used against the industry by Frederick Wertham - Wonder Woman threatened the social order, encouraging young women to rebel.
  • You're giving me some ideas, making me reconsider my own project.
  • Is Storm a reflection of some Earth-mother character?  It's not nice to fool with Mother Nature, after all.
Kanya - Wonder Woman: From Clay to Soul
  • I think I might have a JPEG copy of the original costume design - don't know if that interests anybody.
  • Themiscyra as the Bermuda Triangle - I didn't know that.
  • Why are there different versions of the origin story?  How many were written by Marston?
  • Wonder Woman has a girdle, too - just like Hippolyta.
  • Which did Marston invent first - the Lasso of Truth, or the Lie Detector?
Katie - witches
  • what to make of the modern interpretation of witches as feminist icon?  How about Charmed?
  • there's an example of ultra-sexy witches who are really gruesome (one of many) in the third season of Doctor Who.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Mid-term proposal

Kickin' it:  The Lore Of the Sidekick

I'm fascinated by the creation and evolution of the sidekick.

The first sidekick, Robin, was created so young readers would have someone with whom to identify.  But setting aside the fact that I couldn't really identify with anyone whose family was killed before their eyes, be they twenty-nine or eight years old, I didn't know anybody who wanted to be Robin.  Hell with that, we all wanted to be Batman.  Robin just kinda got in the way.  For what it's worth, as a kid I didn't know anybody who would have chosen to be Luke Skywalker over Han Solo.

Future sidekicks were simply younger knockoffs of the main character (Supergirl, Kid Flash), or even the main character herself at a young age (Superboy, Wonder Girl).

Sidekicks became discarded as the years went on - when Stan Lee created the Marvel Universe he considered them an outdated relic.  Not only did none of his new heroes have a kid sidekick, but he killed off (in flashback) the most prominent one from World War II.

For their own part, DC creators dealt with changing views in their own way.  Denny O'Neill used Green Arrow's sidekick Speedy to explore social issues.  In a ground-breaking late 1960s storyline, Speedy (feeling abandoned by his father figure) turns to smack!

The cartoon series "The Tick" had a fascinating look at second-citizen second bananas (as did "Doctor Horrible's Sing-A-Long Blog") - might provide some visual interest.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

In-Class Writing Exercise, 9/25

Favorite myths or fairy tales at the moment:

I don't know why, but I'm finding that the two stories which resonate so closely with me are Icarus and Daedalus and Faust.  Don't know what that says about me, other than I'm obviously in a cheery place.

The notion of knowledge with a price, or knowledge gained too easy, without also acquiring the wisdom to use it.

Then there's this interpretation, which seems to let ol' Icarus off the hook:

He didn't fly too close to the sun out of youthful arrogance - he was pushed!

Faust is also a story which intrigues me.

The Deal with the Devil.  The triumph of short-term thinking.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

In-Class Writing Exercise, 9/18

"Myths provide seeds of recognition to our collective DNA"

Myth as touchstone, cultural benchmark, shared joke.  A heterogeneous culture finds its common elements in the stories it tells about the universe.

In the United States, the Myth of the Individual touches each of us in our own way.  Rugged individualism, self-sufficiency, go-it-aloneness, I-Am-A-Rockness appeals to us, although it is quite patently as much myth as it is Myth.  It informs our sense of self while reinforcing our cultural stereotypes (of those who, you know, actually need other people).

Human experience is by its nature universal.  Myth is how we find our place in that story, the common elements that are the foundations of our different experiences. 

I was here.  And so were you.

Wisdom and Knowledge Shall be the Stability of Thy Times

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Joseph Campbell, George Lucas, and the fine line between inspiration and ripoff.

Having watched the opening of STAR WARS in class this week (the perfect opportunity to drag out my DVD when I got home), and reading the Campbell, I'm reminded of my own personal history with the two.

This isn't the first time I've read Campbell - when I was a kid I had a battered paperback copy with a STAR WARS cover, and at the time I was one of those who would have read the phone book had Ma Bell put a stormtrooper on the front.

When I first saw STAR WARS, I was amazed at how complete the film seemed.  The entire universe just seems to work, not the internal physics of spaceships and lightsabers, but on a thematic and structural level.  It touches us in a primal way, in no small part because it is so strongly rooted in the monomyth. Beyond that, STAR WARS is in many ways a wholesale copy-and-paste of Campbell's formula. A reading of the section titles - The Call to Adventure, Refusal of the Call, Supernatural Aid, The Belly of the Whale, Atonement with the Father, The Master of Two Worlds, et al. - could double as a plot synopsis.

As kids, we immediately appropriated this myth, shaping our neighborhood play around it. Before STAR WARS hit screens, the kids on my block played - gods help us - LOGAN'S RUN. Some would be Sandmen, some would be Runners, and we would chase each other around the various houses looking for 29-year-olds. STAR WARS changed all that, and all of a sudden the playground clubhouse became the cockpit of the Millenium Falcon and every swing an X-Wing fighter.

STAR WARS even had its own apocrypha. Those who had read the Marvel Comics tie-in (with its deleted scenes) brought the image of Jabba the Hutt as a skinny green alien with whiskers into our game.

In those days before instantly-accessible films, our memories blended and played tricks on us. Most of the scenes with Luke's old friend Biggs Darklighter ended up on the cutting room floor, but thanks to production photos in the tie-in book our memories were altered to include him:

I remembered that scene clearly, though I never saw it. And man, I always wanted a spiffy cape like that.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Start of Class

This blog is being kept as part of my Hero(ine)s class with Kathleen Sweeney at the New School.

As part of the assignment, and in keeping with today's date, we discussed images of 9/11 in class and were instructed by Kathleen to take photos of the 9/11 "Tribute in Light" memorial. I walked along the Hudson River Park, trying to get a good shot. From my perspective looking southeast at Ground Zero, the two lights were fused into one lance of light (the second light in the sky is the moon, which aligned almost perfectly).

Really amazing stuff. The memorial, not my photography.