Thursday, November 20, 2008

In-Class Writing Exercise, 11/20

"Teenagerdom was a secret identity in the first place"
- From Fortress of Solitude by Jonathan Lethem.

There's something primal and true about this statement, which speaks to why the genre is so appealing to teens. 

We pull our hats down and collars up against the cold wind of the presence of our peers, and know that deep inside us, somewhere, is a being of great power and authority.  We have the glasses and the weak knees and the weaker chins and the bad teeth and the worse skin, but deep inside us, if we can just pull open our shirts and let it out, is a spit-curled demigod who can lift an oceanliner and always has a quip at the ready.

It's why, to bring this back to my midterm paper, kid sidekicks flat-out suck.  What teenager's fantasy of power involves being fourteen years old?  Nobody wants to be Robin - everybody wants to be Batman.

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